We can help you sell handbags for a great price.
If you have gently used handbags that you would like to sell but want better options than selling them on your own, you can count on us at Heritage Estate Jewelry. We sell handbags on consignment, so you can still get a great price for your handbags, but we do all the work for you. We are happy to offer our services to anyone in Bloomington, Minnesota.
When you sell handbags with us, we can list them at their current market price, so you can get the highest possible value for your bags. We also make them easily viewable in our storefront at the Mall of America in addition to listing them on our online inventory, so you can have thousands of potential buyers viewing your handbags both online and in person each month. This will give you better chances at selling your bags than you might have had with selling on your own.
Even if you aren’t looking to sell handbags, you can still stop by our store to check out the high-end handbags we currently have on consignment, so you can find your next purse. The best part is that our selection is always of the finest quality and most often vintage, so you can have a vintage and unique purse in your collection. We also sell high-end jewelry, diamonds, watches, and more, so you can come to shop for those, or ask about our consignment options for the gently used items you’d like to sell.
Allow us to help you to sell handbags for a great price. Stop by our store to get started today.