Our handbag consignment service allows you to earn more for your items.
Whether you want to earn some money on your gently used handbags or purchase a designer handbag for yourself, a handbag consignment store is a great place to start. Here at Heritage Estate Jewelry, we’re proud to be the most highly rated consignment shop within the Mall of America, offering high-end purses, jewelry, diamonds, and more.
If you choose to use our handbag consignment services, you can rely on us to show your item to the widest possible market without any of the hassle on your part. Simply allow us to display your handbag within our store and photograph it for our website, and you’ll benefit from thousands of potential buyers viewing your item each month.
Once your handbag is sold to a buyer, our handbag consignment process will allow you to get paid promptly on the 15th of the month. Unlike other consignment retailers, we’ll give you a larger portion of the profits, splitting it between you and our company at a ratio of 55/45. Additionally, because we price all of our items based on their current market value, you’ll likely earn far more by consigning with us than by attempting to sell your handbag yourself.
If you’d like more information about our handbag consignment services, we’d love to meet you! Simply bring your items into our Bloomington, Minnesota location at the Mall of America to have them assessed. If you like the deal we offer you, you can rest assured that your handbag will be well cared for before it becomes someone’s new favorite accessory.
Contact Heritage Estate Jewelry Today!
FAQs About Handbag Consignment
Here at Heritage Estate Jewelry, we’re more than just your local jewelry store. We also offer handbag consignment services, allowing you to earn some extra money for your gently used handbags or find the perfect purse at a reduced price. Continue reading to see some frequently asked questions about our consignment program for handbags and consider shopping or selling with us today.
What kinds of handbags are eligible for consignment?
We accept a wide variety of handbags, including those from designer, luxury, vintage, and modern brands. The handbag you consign must be in good shape with little to no wear and tear. Our team can evaluate your items to determine which pieces are right for consignment.
How do you determine a handbag's resale value?
We carefully consider several factors, including the brand, condition, rarity, and market demand. We also rely on our experience in the industry and recent buying trends to help determine an accurate price.
What is the handbag consignment commission structure?
Once your handbag is sold, we will pay you on the 15th of the month following the sale. Payment will be from a 55/45 split of the sale price, with you keeping the larger portion.
What do I need to do?
Before coming in, be sure to give your handbag a thorough cleaning, fix any little dents, and find any original dust bags or accessories that came with it. From there, we’ll assess the handbag and agree on a consignment price with you. Once that’s completed, we’ll handle the rest, including taking pictures of the handbag, writing up the description, and putting it up for sale. All you need to do is sit back and wait for it to sell.