Designer Handbags, Bloomington, MN

HomeHandbags, Bloomington, MNDesigner Handbags, Bloomington, MN

Our wide selection of designer handbags has something for everyone.

Handbag Consignment in Bloomington, MinnesotaPurchasing designer handbags online or from a consignment store can sometimes feel like a gamble. Fake designer handbags are frequently sold to unassuming buyers, who don’t realize their mistake until it’s too late. If you’re concerned about receiving an inauthentic item, you can rely on our expert authentication process at Heritage Estate Jewelry.

For over a decade, our team has been passionately building a wide inventory of designer handbags, purses, jewelry, and more to showcase in our Bloomington, Minnesota storefront. As the jewelry store with the highest ratings within the Mall of America, our professionals take pride in authenticating every piece we agree to consign. Whether you’re purchasing designer handbags or antique jewelry, you can have confidence that you’ll receive authentic pieces to add to your collection.

The same guarantees apply if you choose to consign with us. Simply bring in your designer handbags to get them appraised by one of our experts before deciding whether you’d like us to showcase your items. If you agree to let us display your designer handbags online and in our store, your handbags will be seen by thousands of potential buyers every month. Once your designer handbags are sold, you’ll be paid 55% of the profits made from the sale, giving you some extra cash to update your accessory collection.

To see our inventory of designer handbags or learn more about our consignment services, reach out to us online or drop by our store for further information!