Our experienced team at Heritage Estate Jewelry has been working in the consignment business for many years, buying and selling jewelry, gold, and designer items. If you love the look of designer handbags, you likely know that there are countless knockoff versions sold in other shops. Some knockoff handbags can look legitimate enough to fool even the most careful buyers.
To help you avoid spending your hard-earned money on fake designer handbags, we’d like to share some expert tips for differentiating true designer goods from knockoffs.
• Stitching – One way to tell designer handbags apart from knockoffs is to examine the stitching. Genuine designer handbags will be evenly and carefully stitched with no loose threads in any area. In contrast, knockoff bags will often have sloppy, uneven stitches.
• Leather – Another way to tell designer handbags apart from knockoffs is to check the leather. This method works best for older bags, as many newer designer bags are being made of vegan leather. Prior to this modern trend, however, using genuine animal leather was the hallmark of quality. Genuine leather lasts longer than any substitute, and it tends to be heavier than vegan leather and features a distinct leather smell.
• Check the Hardware – A third way to tell a genuine designer bag from a knockoff is to test the zipper. Designer bags have zippers which work smoothly and don’t snag anywhere. In addition, you should also check the bag’s other hardware, including rings and snaps, for quality. Make sure to also check the designer’s signature hardware, which should be consistent in color and finish.