Designer handbags are both beautiful and highly valuable, but there can also be times where you decide you’re ready to part ways with your handbags to make room for new options. If this is the case, you can come to us at Heritage Estate Jewelry for our consignment services.
Here are just three key benefits of consigning your designer handbags with us:
- Expert authentication and appraisal: Unfortunately, it can be a little too easy to find knock-off handbags being sold as genuine designer handbags. When you choose to consign your handbags with us, we will take the time to expertly authenticate your bags as well as appraise them to give you honest and fair pricing to help you decide if you’d like us to showcase your bags in our store.
- Thousands of viewers: When you choose to consign your designer handbags with us, we showcase your items both in our store and on our website. This means that your bags will be seen by thousands of viewers and potential buyers every month, giving you higher chances of sales.
- Fair share of profits: While we do take a cut of the profits for showcasing and consigning your item, we do still reward you with a fair share of 55% of the profits made from the sale.
We can consign your designer handbags and help you find your next handbag or accessory to add to your collection at a fair market price. Stop by our store or give us a call if you would like to learn more.